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Adventure Awaits: Discovering Thrilling Weekend Getaways for Summer Fun Without Added Travelling Costs | Villa Basera

By Villa Basera on May 22, 2023

Summer vacation is a time for children to relax, have fun, and learn new things. There are many different activities that children can do during the summer, both indoors and outdoors. But in my opinion, outdoor activities are always better than indoors. When choosing a resort, it is important to consider the age of your children and their interests.

There are many suggestions for resorts near Delhi that offer a variety of activities for children but when it comes to the best farmhouse Villabasera scores over many. The best farmhouse Villabasera is easily accessible and is within a drive of less than an hour, situated in the lap of nature, untouched by man or civilization. Population staying in Delhi NCR, Noida, Gurgaon, and Manesar can easily rent out Villabasera as a weekend summer vacation for their children.

  • Accommodation:- Check your reservation details and ensure everything is in order. Confirm the check-in and check-out times and any specific room preferences you may have.
  • Packing:- Make a checklist of essential items such as clothing suitable for warm weather, swimwear, sunscreen, hats, and insect repellent. Don't forget to pack any necessary medications, toys, and entertainment for your children.
  • Resort Facilities:-Familiarize yourself with the facilities available at Villabasera. Take note of the swimming pools, children's play areas, and any other amenities that might interest your children.
  • Safety:- Inquire about the resort's safety measures, such as lifeguards at the pools, security services, and any special precautions in place for children's activities.
  • Activities and Programs:- Look into the resort's activity schedule and children's programs. Plan your days accordingly to ensure your children can participate in activities they enjoy.
  • Dining Options:- Check the resort's dining options, including kid-friendly menus and any special dietary requirements. If necessary, inquire about the availability of high chairs or other child-friendly facilities.
  • Transportation:- Arrange transportation to the resort in advance. If you're driving, ensure your vehicle is in good condition for the journey.
  • Emergency Contacts:- Carry a list of emergency contacts, including the resort's reception, local medical services, and any important phone numbers you may need during your stay.
  • Rules and Regulations:- Familiarize yourself and your children with any rules and regulations of the resort, such as pool safety guidelines or quiet hours.
  • Relax and Have Fun:-Finally, remind yourself to relax and have fun! Summer vacations are meant to be enjoyable for the whole family, so take the time to unwind and make lasting memories with your children at Villabasera.

Swimming Pools:- Villabasera boasts kid-friendly swimming pools where children can splash around and have a great time under the supervision of lifeguards. There may be additional features like water slides or shallow areas for younger children.

Outdoor Adventures:- The resort offers outdoor activities suitable for children, such as nature walks, mini-golf, bicycle rentals, or even pony rides. These activities allow kids to enjoy the beautiful surroundings and get some exercise.

Games:-Villabasera provides facilities for various games, including tennis, basketball, volleyball, and table tennis.

Theme Days or Parties:- Villabasera may organize special theme days or parties for children, such as superhero or princess-themed events, costume parties, or ice cream socials.

These activities at Villabasera ensure that children have a memorable and enjoyable time during their summer vacation, creating lasting memories of their stay at the resort.


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